Wow!! Lion for Tacos at Some
Please Save the Environment Save Lions:
As I was watching (Channel 9 News) the other day, I heard on the news there is arestaurant in Tampa, Florida that is selling "Lion meet to make Tacos for dinner." I
was shocked. I could not belief what I was hearing...
My question is that, do we really have to go that far in America to use
Lion meet for our food when we have so many varieties of domesticated
Animals that we can use. Not to talk about abundant of fishes....?
I just could not belief that this is happening in our beloved country, we
Send our animal rights organization to other countries to protect these animals.
Why then do we have to allow any restaurant in our country to start killing them
for money. There are so many other businesses’ that anyone
could make money from…., but killing the Lions, I think is going too far.
By the way, Disney Company that created ‘Lion King’ Movies should
have to look into this one as well as "Animal rights" organizations
that tell other countries such as ‘Poachers’ to stop killing elephants and other
animals for food. I believe very strongly that it is our responsibility to protect the
the environments so that our future generation can enjoy the same thing that our
Ancestors and us have been enjoying for years. Now is not the time to destroy it ..
Oh! Please stop killing the Lions.
God bless USA.
aspenleaf707 @
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